6:23 PM

Orange U Glad I Didn't Forget my Blog?

Okay, bad joke, I know. But I was totally stumped with SYTYCS Monochromatic Challenge at LCOM for Week 2. I was so looking forward to doing a mono page, but I just barely scraped one out. Luckily, I made it through. I am much happier with this week's layout, but you'll have to wait until Friday to see that one. For now, enjoy...and you may need your shades for this one.


6:52 PM

So You Think You Can Scrap - Week 1

So I made it past the first round of SYTYCS at http://www.letscaptureourmemories.com!! It was a fun challenge - clean and simple. I was a little stumped at first because I tend to put lots of elements into my layouts, so I looked to the Queen of Clean, Kathy Thompson Lafoley (http://kathythompsonlaffoley.typepad.com/) for inspiration. I love the way she can put such simple shapes and geometric organization and have a beautiful result. Here is the finished layout:

Is it wrong of me that I love how miserable he looks in these pictures??? I felt awful for the poor little guy, but he looked so cute and vulnerable in hind sight.

Week 2 challenge is monochromatic. It is one that I was looking forward to because I thought it was an obvious (and difficult) choice for a challenge at some point. But -wow - did I ever struggle! I used a pic that I've been meaning to scrap for a while, picked the accent color that I wanted to use and pulled everything that I owned in that color...and then drew a complete blank. I was super tough but, three nights of scrapping later, I finished it. I'm happy with the result, but pretty shocked at the length of the process. I've never had to sit down more than twice to finish a layout and this took about 5 sittings of working away and then stepping away and coming back to it. The results are posted on Friday, so I'll be back then to show you what I came up with. I'll give you a bit of a tease....the color I used is....drumroll, please....orange.

5:34 PM

Better late than never, right?

I can't believe that it has been almost a year since I last posted on my blog. To tell you the truth, my scrapbooking has been almost non-existant since the spring. Lately, though, my mojo has been flowing. I've made a few new LOs that I love, applied to the DT at www.letscaptureourmemories.com, am competing in the So You Think You Can Scrap contest there and have starting submitting again. Hopefully that means I'll be stopping by this blog on a more regular basis. Stay tuned for some new LOs!