5:01 AM

Useful Art

Don't you love when you can create something that is great to look at but also useful? I created this door-hanging for the Big Girls DT call (didn't get it BTW, boo) and I've had tons of compliments on it - even from the teenage boys who live in my residence. For those of you who don't know, my husband and I live in a junior boys residence at our school and he is the Daddy-Away-From-Home for 28 boys, ages 10-17. About 75% of the time, he is the go-to guy if they have questions or anything and the other 25% it is assistant-housparent who lives up-stairs. Sometime they get confused and knock on our door when she is the one on-call. So this sign solves that problem as there is no question as to who is on-call...and it looks pretty good too.

The arrow between Greg and Maryelle is a Piggy Tales slider, so it changes the direction of the arrow by sliding the cover over when the on-call teacher changes.

I didn't know what colors to use for this project because it had to be boyish, but not babyish. So I looked in some of DHs Sports Illustrated and all the ads had this same color scheme.

I really liked the way the colors turned out and as a bonus, I got to use up some yellow!

5:36 PM

Application Anxiety

I'm about to send off my application to the Bad Girls Kit Design Team call. I'm pretty new to the site, but the work is incredible and the kits are unbelieveable. I haven't applied for anything this big before, so my fingers are crossed. Wish me luck!!!